Since the beginning of 2025, giroAPI has been setting new standards as the first API scheme in Europe that goes beyond traditional payment transactions. With innovative API services, it offers banks and savings banks, payment service providers and account information services completely new possibilities.
The highlights of giroAPI
Comprehensive range of services:
API business transactions for payment transactions and account information, supplemented by innovative premium offerings.
Maximum flexibility:
Decide whether you want to participate in one or both sub-schemes - Payment and Financial Information.
Proven standards:
Based on Berlin Group's renowned openFinance API framework, complemented by clear technical annexes for smooth implementation.
Advantages for participants
Participation gives you access to a steadily growing number of participating banks and savings banks. A large number of institutions will join the scheme as early as the first membership date in February. And more will follow in the course of the year!
How to become part of giroAPI
Participation is simple and only requires a payment service provider or account information service licence. When you join, you will automatically have access to all the institutions that have joined. Contact us for more information and to join:
Let's shape the future of financial APIs together!