Press releases / Comments


September 14 2016

GBIC: Postpone the PRIIPs Regulation – threat of considerable legal uncertainty until all...

The member associations of the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) warn of considerable legal uncertainty surrounding the planned introduction of standardised European key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment...


June 24 2016

German Banking Industry Committee regrets Brexit vote – German financial marketplace robust

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC), made up of the five leading banking-sector associations, regrets the vote by the British people in favour of leaving the EU. The EU should now quickly establish clarity on how the Brexit negotiations are...


June 24 2016

German Banking Industry Committee regrets Brexit vote – German financial marketplace robust

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC), made up of the five leading banking-sector associations, regrets the vote by the British people in favour of leaving the EU. The EU should now quickly establish clarity on how the Brexit negotiations are...


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