Press releases / Comments


March 13 2019

Comments on Revisions to leverage ratio disclosure requirements

The Basel Committee’s additional leverage ratio disclosure requirements are designed to reflect its concerns about “window-dressing”. The Basel Committee would like to see averaged values disclosed on the basis of values calculated daily. In the view...


June 20 2018

Comments on Minimum Capital Requirements for Market Risk

On March 22, 2018, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued the “Revisions to the minimum capital requirements for market risk” for consultation ...


September 6 2016

Position paper on adjustment of the European large exposure rules in the CRD/CRR review

The large exposure rules are currently being revised at European level. Firstly, the large exposures framework published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in April 2014 is to be implemented and, secondly, the European Commission is...


August 31 2016

Position on the implementation of the NSFR in the EU

By end of 2016 the EU commission has to deliver a proposal in which form to implement the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) in the EU. The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) is pleased to present its priorities relating to this endeavour covering...


August 10 2016

EBA Consultation paper (EBA/CP/2016/06)

The consultation paper mentions, that the EBA has no specific mandate to elaborate Guidelines on the LCR or on liquidity risk in general terms.


June 3 2016

Comments on Consultative Document on Standardised Measurement Approach for Operational Risk (BCBS...

In autumn 2015, the BCBS announced that it would withdraw the AMA for operational risk. It stated that the rationale for dropping the AMA would be explained in the BCBS’s new consultative document. In our view, however, the consultative document does...


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