Press releases / Comments


August 30 2023

Position paper and comments of the German Banking Industry Committee on the European Commission’s...

The European Commission presented a proposal for a retail investment strategy (RIS) which, among other things, provides for an amendment of the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC)...


May 23 2019

Italian-German Dialogue on Financial Services: a 10-point agenda from FeBAF and DK

The 10-point agenda was discussed today during the 4th round of the Italian-German Dialogue on Financial Services between the Italian Banking Insurance and Finance Federation (FeBAF, to whom 13 financial associations in Italy adhere) and the DK (...


March 13 2019

Comments on Revisions to leverage ratio disclosure requirements

The Basel Committee’s additional leverage ratio disclosure requirements are designed to reflect its concerns about “window-dressing”. The Basel Committee would like to see averaged values disclosed on the basis of values calculated daily. In the view...


June 21 2018

DK on the planned amendment of MiFID II

The German Banking Industry Committee (DK) commented on the planned amendment of MiFID II ...


May 28 2018

EU Banking Package: EU Council adopts general approach

One of the aims of the general approach adopted by the EU Council today to what is referred to as the “Banking Package” (CRR II / CRD V) is to tighten the own funds requirements ...


May 14 2018

Comments of the German Banking Industry Committee on the European Commission's legislative proposal...

On 12 March 2018, the European Commission published two legislative proposals to remove obstacles to the cross-border distribution of investment funds and asked for feedback.


September 6 2016

Position paper on adjustment of the European large exposure rules in the CRD/CRR review

The large exposure rules are currently being revised at European level. Firstly, the large exposures framework published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in April 2014 is to be implemented and, secondly, the European Commission is...


August 31 2016

Position on the implementation of the NSFR in the EU

By end of 2016 the EU commission has to deliver a proposal in which form to implement the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) in the EU. The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) is pleased to present its priorities relating to this endeavour covering...


August 10 2016

EBA Consultation paper (EBA/CP/2016/06)

The consultation paper mentions, that the EBA has no specific mandate to elaborate Guidelines on the LCR or on liquidity risk in general terms.


July 22 2016

German Banking Industry Committee and Austrian Economic Chambers: Position paper on the...

The position paper by GBIC and WKO looks at individual aspects of the leverage ratio whose analysis is required under Article 511 of the CRR.


July 7 2016

Comments on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s consultative document on revisions to the...

The Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft give its opinion to Basels consultation documents for the definition of the Leverage Ratio. This definition is reworked on several places.


June 24 2016

Public Consultation Draft Addendum to the ECB Guide on Options and Discretions available in Union...

The sentence “In particular, the ECB will consider the factors set out under paragraph 4 of this Chapter” should be dropped from subparagraphs 1 and 2 of Chapter 3.1. Liquidity waiver requirements under Article 8 of the CRR are irrelevant to the...


February 25 2016

New GBIC expert opinion: leverage ratio sets serious perverse incentives

A leverage ratio will not make the financial system more stable. On the contrary, an inflexible instrument of this kind sets dangerous perverse incentives. This is the conclusion of a new expert opinion commissioned by the member associations of the...


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