Press releases / Comments


July 19 2024

GBIC comments on the European Central Bank's (ECB) draft Guide on outsourcing cloud services

The German Banking Industry Committee has issued a statement on the European Central Bank’s (ECB) draft Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers. The guide formulates detailed supervisory expectations for significant...


July 15 2024

Stellungnahme zum „BCBS – DP on the role of climate scenario analysis (CSA) in the management and...

The German Banking Industry has issued a statement on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's (BCBS) discussion paper on the role of climate scenario analysis in strengthening the management and supervision of climate-related financial risks....


April 18 2024

DK Konsultation | EBA Draft Guidelines on the management of ESG risks

On January 18, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a consultation paper on the management of ESG risks. The German Banking Industry Committee (DK) has therefore today submitted a statement to the European Banking Authority on the...


March 28 2024

Comments on BCBS Consultation Paper “Recalibration of shocks for interest rate risk in the banking...

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) has submitted a statement to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) on the consultation document "Recalibration of shocks for interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB)". GBIC considers a...


March 18 2024

GBIC comments on ESA’s

In early January 2024, the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) presented the draft of their technical implementing standards outlining certain tasks of collection bodies and functionalities of the central European Access Portal (ESAP) for...


November 27 2023

Comments regarding the European Commission's consultation exercise "rationalisation of reporting...

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) welcomes the European Commission’s goal of a 25 percent reduction in the burden on companies and administrative organizations resulting from reporting requirements.


November 9 2023

Additional Comments on the proposal for a Directive for the further harmonisation of insolvency law

The German banking industry committee rejects, above all, the introduction of a pre-pack procedure and a simplified liquidation procedure for micro-entities, which is intended in the light of an improvement of the Capital Markets Union. Added the...


October 27 2023

Comments on EBA’s Draft Guidelines on the establishment and maintenance of national lists or...

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a public consultation in July 2023 on its Draft Guidelines on the establishment and maintenance of national lists or registers of credit servicers under Directive 2021/2167.


October 26 2023

Comments on the European Commission's legislative proposals of 28 June 2023 to revise the Second...

The European Commission has presented its proposals on the draft legislation for the revision of the second EU Payment Services Directive (PSD2) on 28 June 2023. The German Banking Industry (DK) welcomes the fact that essential provisions of the...


October 13 2023

GBIC comments on EBA’s draft templates and template guidance for collecting climate related data...

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a public consultation in July 2023 on draft templates and template guidance for collecting climate related data from EU banks.


October 11 2023

GBIC comments on ECB’s Guide on effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting

The European Central Bank (ECB) launched a public consultation in July 2023 on its Guide on effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting.


October 10 2023

Comments on FSB consultation: Evaluation on Effects of G20 Reforms on Securitisation

The consultation by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) “on the effects of G20 financial regulatory reforms on securitisation” is the start of a global discussion on the review of the securitisation framework.


October 9 2023

Comments on the EU Commission’s draft Framework for Financial Data Access (FIDA)

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) supports in principle a "Framework for Financial Data Access" that exploits the opportunities of the data economy for European consumers, businesses and the EU economy as a whole.


October 5 2023

Comments of the German Banking Industry Committee on the BCBS-Consultative Document "Core principles...

The German Banking Industry Committee (Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft) welcomes the fact that the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is revising its principles for effective banking supervision.


September 26 2023

DK Comments on Post-implementation Review IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Impairment

The German Banking Industry Committee welcomes the “Post-implementation Review IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Impairment” and notes that the implementation of the impairment rules of IFRS 9 has been a very high effort for the banks. In many banks, IFRS...


September 25 2023

DK Comments on the Commission proposal for a Regulation on ESG rating activities

The Regulation, as proposed, is a step in the right direction in regulating the ESG ratings market and improve the quality of ESG ratings. However, some uncertainties and issues remain, especially with regards to the Regulation’s scope and in the...


September 19 2023

GBIC comments on ECB’s revised Guide to internal models

The ECB launched a public consultation in June 2023 on its revised Guide to internal models. The revision reflects updates on the legal framework and builds on the ECB’s experience gained over the years in supervising internal models.


September 14 2023

Position on the current trilogue negotiations on the Artificial Intelligence Act

In general, the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) supports the objectives of the AI Act to promote the potential of artificial intelligence for European consumers, companies, and the EU economy as a whole.


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