Press releases / Comments


April 16 2019

German Banking Industry Committee: EU banking package major contribution to stabilising European...

The European Parliament today adopted the so-called ‘banking package’ broadly amending cornerstones of banking regulation.


June 24 2016

German Banking Industry Committee regrets Brexit vote – German financial marketplace robust

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC), made up of the five leading banking-sector associations, regrets the vote by the British people in favour of leaving the EU. The EU should now quickly establish clarity on how the Brexit negotiations are...


June 24 2016

German Banking Industry Committee regrets Brexit vote – German financial marketplace robust

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC), made up of the five leading banking-sector associations, regrets the vote by the British people in favour of leaving the EU. The EU should now quickly establish clarity on how the Brexit negotiations are...


February 4 2016

German Banking Industry Committee critical of unnecessary regulatory burdens

In its response to a consultation by the European Commission, the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) criticises “unnecessary burdens” arising from new banking regulation. The costs generated by implementing the regulatory requirements pose a...


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