Association of German Pfandbrief Banks

The Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp) represents the interests of the Pfandbrief banks vis-à-vis national and European decision-making bodies and a broader expert public. The vdp also supports its members by delivering highly specialised business solutions.

The vdp’s know-how is tailored to the specific focus of Pfandbrief issuers – the Pfandbrief and loans eligible as cover. The vdp promotes the business interests of its members through targeted lobbying on capital market policy and fiscal policy and in all other policy areas affecting Pfandbrief business. It also advises its members on regulatory issues and represents these vis-à-vis national and European supervisors. As part of group governance, vdp bodies exchange and process information and experience inputted by members to create market standards. In addition, the vdp provides its members with business solutions that support the Pfandbrief banks’ special lending and issuing business. The business activities conducted by members benefit from the vdp’s acknowledged expertise, extensive networking and well-established communication tools.

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