German Savings Banks Association

The German Savings Banks Association (DSGV) is the umbrella organisation of the Savings Banks Finance Group, which comprises around 400 savings banks, seven Landesbank groups, DekaBank, the Landesbausparkassen, eleven primary insurance groups owned by the savings banks, and numerous other financial service providers.

The DSGV promotes the interests of the Savings Banks Finance Group and organises decision-making within the group. It also sets the Savings Banks Finance Group’s strategic direction. To this end, member banks and their associated partners develop concepts for successful marketing together with the DSGV. These cover market and business-strategy issues, ranging from product development and handling, risk management and overall bank management, card and payments business, to integrated advisory solutions for all customer segments.

The DSGV runs the Savings Banks Finance Group’s central education and training establishments: its Management Academy and University of Applied Sciences. Other joint initiatives are, for example, the Savings Banks Finance Group’s Society for the Promotion of Sciences, the Eberle-Butschkau Foundation and the Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation.

The DSGV also manages the institutional protection scheme under the German Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Act and the Savings Banks Financial Group’s deposit guarantee scheme, plus the guarantee fund of the Girozentralen and the guarantee fund of the Landesbausparkassen.

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