Press releases / Comments


December 2 2016

EU regulatory framework for benchmarks

The European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA consulted on technical standards under the Benchmarks Regulation. The German Banking Industry Committee contributed to the process and sent its comments to ESMA.


November 30 2016

GBIC: Further strengthen global economic and financial resilience

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) welcomes it that, under the new German presidency, the G20 aims to further strengthen the resilience of economies and financial markets in 2017 as well.


November 29 2016


Comments of the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) on ESMA’s discussion paper – Draft RTS and IST under SFTR.


November 29 2016

OTC - derivatives

Comments of the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) on the consultative Report Harmonisation of critical OTC derivatives data elements (other than UTI and UPI) – second batch.


November 18 2016

Comment on the Discussion Paper on the trading obligation for derivatives under MiFIR

The German Banking Industry is grateful for the opportunity to comment on ESMA ́s discussion paper on the trading obligation for derivatives under MiFIR.


September 27 2016

Comments on Guidelines on disclosure requirements under Part Eight of Regulation (EU) 575/2013...

It is our understanding that the draft guidelines are not intended as implementation in the EU of the first stage of the Basel Pillar 3 Review (BCBS 309). Instead, their purpose is merely to enable EU banks to reconcile existing CRR requirements with...


September 15 2016

GBIC on Basel IV negotiations: great danger of German banks being placed at a considerable...

The member associations of the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) warn that the ongoing Basel IV negotiations could place German banks at a considerable disadvantage.


September 14 2016

GBIC: Postpone the PRIIPs Regulation – threat of considerable legal uncertainty until all...

The member associations of the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) warn of considerable legal uncertainty surrounding the planned introduction of standardised European key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment...


July 22 2016

EBA RTS on the disclosure of encumered and unencumbered assets (EBA/CP/2016/05)

The European Banking Authority (EBA) consulted the draft of a regulatory standard to disclosure of loaded and unloaded financial assets. Textual the draft is about the development of the already current guideline.


July 4 2016

BCBS Consultative Document

In the area of supervisory reporting, there are already requirements in form of the EBA ITS on supervisory reporting on forbearance and non-performing exposures implemented at European level by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 680/2014, in...


June 24 2016

German Banking Industry Committee regrets Brexit vote – German financial marketplace robust

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC), made up of the five leading banking-sector associations, regrets the vote by the British people in favour of leaving the EU. The EU should now quickly establish clarity on how the Brexit negotiations are...


June 24 2016

German Banking Industry Committee regrets Brexit vote – German financial marketplace robust

The German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC), made up of the five leading banking-sector associations, regrets the vote by the British people in favour of leaving the EU. The EU should now quickly establish clarity on how the Brexit negotiations are...


February 25 2016

New GBIC expert opinion: leverage ratio sets serious perverse incentives

A leverage ratio will not make the financial system more stable. On the contrary, an inflexible instrument of this kind sets dangerous perverse incentives. This is the conclusion of a new expert opinion commissioned by the member associations of the...


February 4 2016

German Banking Industry Committee critical of unnecessary regulatory burdens

In its response to a consultation by the European Commission, the German Banking Industry Committee (GBIC) criticises “unnecessary burdens” arising from new banking regulation. The costs generated by implementing the regulatory requirements pose a...


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