Press releases / Comments


June 17 2019

IASB Exposure Draft ED/2019/1 Bechmark Reform

IASB proposes changes to IAS 39 and IFRS 9 due to possible effects of the IBOR reform. GBIC basically agrees with the proposals but advocates also for reliefs concerning retrospective effectiveness testing and dynamic hedging according to IAS 39.


March 13 2019

Comments on Revisions to leverage ratio disclosure requirements

The Basel Committee’s additional leverage ratio disclosure requirements are designed to reflect its concerns about “window-dressing”. The Basel Committee would like to see averaged values disclosed on the basis of values calculated daily. In the view...


January 30 2019

DK comments on EBA’s Consultation Paper on Draft ITS amending Commission Implementing Regulation...

DK comments on the above-mentioned EBA consultation paper. The EBA changes the ITS requirements in both the credit risk and market risk areas. The exercise is relevant for institutions with IRB models or IMA models (market risk models) in Pillar I.


September 27 2016

Comments on Guidelines on disclosure requirements under Part Eight of Regulation (EU) 575/2013...

It is our understanding that the draft guidelines are not intended as implementation in the EU of the first stage of the Basel Pillar 3 Review (BCBS 309). Instead, their purpose is merely to enable EU banks to reconcile existing CRR requirements with...


July 22 2016

German Banking Industry Committee and Austrian Economic Chambers: Position paper on the...

The position paper by GBIC and WKO looks at individual aspects of the leverage ratio whose analysis is required under Article 511 of the CRR.


July 22 2016

EBA RTS on the disclosure of encumered and unencumbered assets (EBA/CP/2016/05)

The European Banking Authority (EBA) consulted the draft of a regulatory standard to disclosure of loaded and unloaded financial assets. Textual the draft is about the development of the already current guideline.


July 7 2016

Comments on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s consultative document on revisions to the...

The Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft give its opinion to Basels consultation documents for the definition of the Leverage Ratio. This definition is reworked on several places.


July 4 2016

BCBS Consultative Document

In the area of supervisory reporting, there are already requirements in form of the EBA ITS on supervisory reporting on forbearance and non-performing exposures implemented at European level by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 680/2014, in...


June 24 2016

Proportionality in the future market risk capital requirements and the review of the original...

On 26 May 2106, the European Commission published a consultation document on Proportionality in the future market risk capital requirements and the review of the original exposure method.


June 8 2016

Pillar 3 disclosure requirements – consolidated and enhanced framework (BCBS 356)

We welcome the Basel Committee’s intention to review its disclosure requirements with the aim of enhancing the benefit of Pillar 3 reports to users. We also agree that it would make good sense to formalise and standardise the presentation of certain...


February 25 2016

New GBIC expert opinion: leverage ratio sets serious perverse incentives

A leverage ratio will not make the financial system more stable. On the contrary, an inflexible instrument of this kind sets dangerous perverse incentives. This is the conclusion of a new expert opinion commissioned by the member associations of the...


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